PolyGel: Removal, Fill and Sculpting a French Fade

PolyGel Mastery – French Fade: Removal, Fill, and Sculpting

Unveil the Artistry of PolyGel as we Guide You Through the Elegance of French Fade – Learn Seamless Removal, Precision Filling, and Sculpting Techniques.

Hi I’m suzy I released a video on the poly gel well now on three weeks grown out and I need a fill I’m going to do a review on the poly jo I’m. Also gonna. Try to do a baby, boomer french fade, let’s get started so I was really excited to receive the poly gel, because it’s such an interesting concept, it’s sort of like acrylic, meets gel.

You get a little bit of the benefits of both, so we’re gonna pour the slip, that’s sort of like the liquid monomer into a little jar. You don’t really need too much in there now. I’m gonna also prep my nails, so I will put that on there. So I’m gonna take it right of the beginning. I’m actually gonna do the prep for you too. So when I do a prep I get a cuticle stick I gently push back the cuticle I really need to fill. This has grown at about three weeks and I have to say it was such a neat concept putting it on. It was really weird I’ve, never put anything on like that, and now it’s grown out. It actually held up pretty good now when I say that it’s an educated guess, I’ve been doing nails for a very very long time. So my structures right on point. So the only thing I had to worry about was the product and how the product held up and, to be honest with you, the product held up pretty good, so I was wearing them a little longer in length than I. Normally do so. It’s really putting it to the test. As you can see, I’ll walk you through it. There are no stress cracks. Can you see the side of the nail right there? This is where you look for stress cracks right in this spot right here, they usually will appear like little cracks along there. If I look on every single one of these nails, now, I’ll tell you about these two, so we’re just gonna.

these two so we're just gonna look at

Look at these three right. Now they don’t have any as far as lifting goes now, I’m pretty good at prepping a nail and the products seem to be good, so I didn’t have much lifting at all, but you can see there’s a little bit here, but they are grown out quite a bit, so naturally the more uh nail grows out the more it’s going to want to pop this way or it’s gonna break across here. Okay, so that’s natural for death, that’s nothing against the product whatsoever! Now these two are a separate little story. I had to take my car in to get it just a regular checkup when I gave him the key to take it off. The ring I really stress this thumb and I shoved it in the ring and naturally acrylic might have even broken in that situation, because I was really stressing the nail and of course it broke right across here and then eventually it broke right off. So it is a little bit softer, I would say, but you can’t judge a product on one break. Honestly, that’s not fair! It’s all about structure and nails when they go about their day. They can break I, mean something’s gotta, give if you’re doing stuff like that and shoving it in a keyring.


PolyGel Mastery - French Fade: Removal, Fill, and Sculpting
PolyGel: Removal, Fill and Sculpting a French Fade

These held up, pretty good I must say: gel tends to be a little bit softer than acrylic and I do feel these work, and if you look sideways. You can sort of see see how it’s kind of wobbly in there so being that a little bit soft it kind of just wears away now. This is kind of hard to show you because of the camera angle, but I just want to turn my finger this way, and you see, do you see this side here? Do you see that kind of chunk don’t see that area right there? That’s just got worn away too, probably cuz, it’s just a little bit softer, but keep in mind. I did wear these a little bit longer in length than I. Normally do okay! So, let’s, let’s just get these ready and I just want to walk you through a fill and the fill I would do this prepping whether I was doing acrylic or gel or poly gel any product that I’m putting in here I would do that, and these are a disposable item, so you can chuck it okay, so I got my trusty drill here, I love having my drill. This is an ugly duckling drill. Now, when you are filing a natural noun, that’s what we’re about to do here? This is the sanding that you see that bit see how soft that is. I can put my finger right on it. That’s not going to hurt. This is an arbor band on a mandrel and I like to use a medium or a fine I find courses, to course for the natural nail.

course for the natural nail

I also use it on a very, very low speed. Now this is a great drill, so you just want to use it on a very low speed. The numbers on here you never want to. It goes really. Hot I didn’t actually know what that I I, never use it that I when you’re buffing the natural. Now, if you’ve got a drill like this use it on like a two or a three, that’s much much better for the naturally okay, so here we go and when you’re. Finally, oh just give me a little tips, you don’t want to dig in. You don’t want to take that point and dig into the cuticle. You want to keep it rather flat. Then you can just bend in a little tiny bit to grab that cuticle. You don’t want to pass by too many times. If you see any lifted areas, definitely file it up this some holly gel product it really didn’t lift much at all. I was actually really impressed with it to be honest with you, so when I ever buff it out, I just spoke tall that, like that and I’m just gently fine in the natural nail now this bit, you can file over the acrylic or the gel, whatever you’re working with, if you’re not having to take it down any further, but this specifically very very good for the natural nail, so I’m really just um filing away the dead cuticle that is sitting on the finger you don’t want to put product on top of that dead. Cuticle I’ve already pushed the cuticle back with the cuticle stick and you just want to file away dead coudl and just gently buff. The natural nail remember, I, saw that little bit of lifting here see that I’m just taking a corner, see that and I’m just gently jabbing into that lifted area.

remember I saw that little bit of

Just doing little short bursts like that, because I’m really sensitive nail beds, I probably, on the thinner side, I’ve always been like that ever since I was a kid, so I just want to gently buff that away without burning my nail. I, don’t want to hurt myself, so you just gently go over the whole thing now again, if there’s any lift in it and any major lifts, you must take it all up: okay, a civil secret. That’s really one of the biggest tips for a in any kind of fill that you’re doing is you want to make sure you’re taking up any discolored lifted ugly icky loose anything it’s all gonna come off, don’t want to put any product on that.

that's really one of the biggest tips

Okay, so we’re just about finished the prep of the natural nail I’m, just changing my bit out. It’s a little bit coarser, see that see the difference. That’s the mandrel! That’s much softer for the natural nail and this is very coarse- to eat up the acrylic, because I’m gonna take this bad boy down now. I’m gonna set that on a bit of a 5 or a 6, ok and it’s it is a gel. So it’s gonna be much easier to file off look at that. Oh it’s like going through butter. I can’t even believe that, oh, that really took it down. Okay, that was like nothing. I took like two seconds. It makes it easy for a move, that’s much softer. It is so now I’m, just taking this off a little bit, so I did play around trying to make this a french fade, really difficult to fade and I’ll. Show you why so, whenever you’re taking shut down something like this ii just want to be, you know, cut up, you don’t want it the whole time because you will burn well, you can burn some people, you know you can drill for blood and they don’t even feel it have a very high pain tolerance, but that’s four ten most of your clients or not like that. Just work quite carefully like they do have a very low pain, tolerance, so you’re not burning them I’m, just trying to file the last little bit so the jela off.

I'm just trying to file the last little

Sometimes it’s a little bit easier to just get it with a hand file. Okay, so I’m going to get rid of all this dust, you know when I first started this job. That was thirty years ago. I already thought the dust would drive me crazy, but I just get rid of it as fast as I can I. Think that’s my coping mechanism, okay. So this is a cleanser and this is to clean the nail before we put all the stuff on it. So I’m going to clean all the dust off most systems you use will have a dehydrator and a primer and then the product and that’s what this is.

most systems you use will have a

This is the ph bond. It’s a dehydrator, so I will put this on all the natural nail part. You can put it on the the fake nail part – right and then you want the primer. This is the acid free nail primer, most primers I’ve ever worked with. You always need to be quite gentle in its application, and you only need to put it on the natural nail part see that so how I just put it on the national part. You don’t want to over saturate the nail plate. If you do that over time a client’s nail plate can be oversaturated and you can actually cause some burning and stuff. This is an acid free, but still you don’t want to just load up that cuticle and necessarily with product. You don’t need to put that much in there. Okay can use this as me little rest, and this is the bright white I do like that thing, colors that they have I’m just gonna, try something and bear with me and see. If you guys don’t mind, this I want to try see if you can blend I find the pink to share and I find the cover pink too strong in color, so I’m gonna see, if at all, we could blend them. Now one of you guys commented and said that you blend it a little gel polish in with this mix.


That is so smart and it worked. So that’s pretty cool. So let me see if this will blend I can’t imagine what wouldn’t it’s like kind of mixing paint it works. There’s honestly, I still think it’s too much to cover too much color pink in there I’m, not a real big I. Don’t like too much color pink, so maybe I’ll just take a little bit more. This I really feel like a painter now so I’m, just gonna take half my mix and mix it with all of that, one that I just did and the beauty of this is you don’t have a gel light on or if you don’t have uv rays. You know looking at it, I think all of it I think I can mix all of it. Then it’s not gonna cure right, you’re good to go so by me, mixing it I’m, not saying I.

so by me mixing it I'm not saying I

Don’t like these I do this with acrylic too I just like to mix up my bed color that goes on the nail bed. It’s just more of a natural look. That’s just my professional opinion. I do with acrylic all the time we have a mix around here. We call suzy’s mix just because I started doing that a few years back, probably 15 years back, my goodness. How old am I okay, I’m, just gonna clean that end off so I? Don’t have it sticky, I hate, sticky, okay, I, wonder if I can cap that yeah, oh maybe maybe cap it with this one: yeah cool, okay, so I’m gonna, oh I, need that end: okay, I’m, just gonna pick up a little bit or how much I think I need and let’s do the pinky, because it just I just got a little bit. Okay, so now I get my slip and I push the product around, tell it where to go and I get a bit more slip and I’m just blending it into the cuticle area. I do think that this stuff is brilliant for teaching I really do it’s so difficult about product, especially acrylic. Is that there’s such a timeframe and I like this over the gel, because it’s not sticky, so it’s I think it’s really smart. So the idea where the fill is, when you take your nail that needs rebalancing, you put the stress point here originally three weeks ago.

so the idea where the fill is when you

That’s why I put it so what you’re trying to do when you’re doing a fill is you’re taking your bead and putting it back here and blending it into a new stress point right. So what I do is I, get the bead in the back area and then flatten it and then blend it to match the center area. They call that the apex to make it nice and with a nice arch in there, that’s what I’m doing right so remember when I said that little chunk of the pinky on the side there I can keep filing it, of course, and make it thinner and thinner and thinner up there, but I, don’t really like to do that. It’s not really accurate, because I would like to get a little further. I’m gonna grab a little bead poly jail and I am going to blend out there I’m just going to blend that right in there, so as a strength and structure of what it’s supposed to be, probably jail being so you know kind of stiff, you can just put it in order to do a forum really. Are you looking nicely that one in there that’s great so now, because it’s going to stay in one place, I don’t have to really nuke it till. In finish, the other ones. I will say the color that I mix, there is actually quite pretty I like that, so I’m gonna get another clump, I guess be I should say and I’m going to this guy okay I’m going to fill up the other two nails. Here’s a little bit of elbow, grease and flatten that right down.

here's a little bit of elbow grease and

So one thing: if you’re going to mix a color like that, make sure you mix enough I actually did mix enough I! Think because, if you run out, if you don’t have the exact amount that you need mixing it exactly, the same might be a little bit hard, especially, would do that with powder in my salon we actually mix it up in big little. You know my acrylic size bins and we mix it up like once a week and we use that powder for the week. But you want to make sure you’ve got that color that you nothing you’re using don’t run out just when you’re doing one client. You want to make sure you finish with that color. So if the slip gets on the cuticle, don’t worry about it. It is just alcohol, it’s very nice, smelling alcohol now that’s a nice color I like that! Oh, my goodness, look at I made just enough wow just about mess not up tonight.

oh my goodness look at I made just

It’s not good! Just enough here to do this thumb, you really gotta push it around, but don’t be afraid to, because even if you make a mistake and push it like right and no in a horrible mess, don’t worry about it. You can always gather back up and do it again. You know don’t worry about that. It’s good to make mistakes! That’s how we learn. So don’t worry about so I’m, just shaping that up nicely. Okay, so I have a little form I. Do the french fades differently than I’ve noticed some people do some people do a french fade where the white has quite a strong line, and then they do a really strong cover pink over top to cover that line. I do want to do a video on that particular technique. It’s a bit of a problem when you do it that way, because when the person comes back for a fill and if they want to continue with the french fade, you’re gonna see that line because that that line is gonna be up further now so I like to fade both of them really good before I blend them together. The only thing is: this is a little harder to fade. So, let’s, let’s go for it because it’s harder to blend fading it not easy. I’ll show you it at me. The reason why this is so difficult is because the stuff is really hard to soften. So you can see the problem.

so you can see the problem can't you no

Can’t you no look at that. It’s just a line so, but that kind of dipped underneath the natural nail. So we’ll do this a little bit higher and see if we can find a way to fade him. So remember when I was talking how you want to make the nail to certain thinness. That’s the problem with this: if you make that white and you keep trying to make it fade, you put layers on make it fade by the time you put. The pink over top you’ve got a thick nail. So, by the time you file it down, you can file off all your pink and reveal this messy bite so this white has to be super super thin, I find, and maybe your fade does not appear in the white part. All the work is gonna have to be done in the pink part, because you do not want to make this thick. Don’t wanna make this a thick line like that? Okay, so you know what hey that’s, not bad. That’s not bad I, like my nails, quite thin, structurally sound thick, where it’s supposed to be, but I do like them quite thin if I add anymore, I. Think I’m just gonna make it too thick, so I think I’m gonna try to just fade this more with the pink. Let me nuke yet before I damage it. You know I’m just gonna use the cover pink because it is a french fade and we want it to kind of blend right.

you know I'm just gonna use the cover

Over top might help a little bit more. Sometimes it’s not as effective, and sometimes it is okay. Let me clean this off yeah clean. It off clean it off, it’s gotta be clean because you don’t want little bits of white, so you know what I think I’m just gonna use this part for here and I might even do my little mix near the cuticle, so we just want to do the fade part. This is where it gets a little tricky now. The reason why I nuked it too is because, if you don’t nuke it and you try to pull that pink over top of uncured white, it’s gonna be a mess. So you want to make sure that white is cured. Now, that’s not so bad I’m glad I practice before, because I didn’t really like it. The first time I did it I really liked it at all I’m glad I did practice on one nail before matt emptyness now, because I actually am doing a better job. Okay, so you can see that it’s thinning it out is not as easy.

okay so you can see that it's thinning

Acrylic is easier to thin and out. I also believe to you that once you get the design that you want, you really do want to clear a cap it because if you don’t you’re gonna file, all the pink off, because once you get what you like to say, I like this by the time I file it I’m gonna file the design off, so you would have to clear cap it to keep it but I’m not really liking this completely. It’s not pretty faded but didn’t fade quite as smoothies I would like. I’m gonna. Try it a bit more here: I wanted to be very even but I’m really picky with a french fade too. So you know I think it’s just a matter of working the product to get it to fade. The way you like the fact that the products not going anywhere and it doesn’t cure- you got all the time in the world to make this right. We are on a mission here to try to make this work. It’s a great product, so I don’t want to leave you the impression it can’t be done. It can be done, I’m just trying to figure out the quickest and easiest way to do it. I think it really can be it just needs to be. You can have to just massage it a little just be nice to it. Just talk to it a little and I think you’ll get what you want out of it. Let me move these downs, so I don’t really put them down when I’m working with a client, but counterman says that they’re in the way.


So it can be done. You just have to be patient and you know what you can do it. So what my main goal here was when I clear cap this it’s gonna, be over this area, because I don’t want this any thicker and I. Don’t really want this any thicker but I’m gonna, clear cap, this area here so I’m gonna, nuke it okay, so we have nuke. Did it now, I’m gonna pull this off. So when I pull that off it’s a little bit wet and gummy. So when I put, the pink on will nuke it and we’ll get neutron both sides, so I’m gonna put the light pink shear and work it as a clear cap. You can see how nice and clear it is.

you can see how nice and clear it is it

It might even help with the blending a little bit. It’s really quite sheer so I, don’t I’m, not gonna, rely on it too much it’s just trying to hold the design in there, so I don’t file it all off when it comes to filing. Obviously, you can see it’s a bit thick, but once I file that it’s gonna be good: okay, so I’m gonna nuke this and I’m also gonna nucleon der side and then, when we come back, I’m gonna clean up this mess a little bit of oil. So now we take this cleanser. This is for prepping and for removing any type of layer afterwards and preparing it for filing. So just do it just defy all that you are comfortable with you, it and you start filing as normal. It’s whenever I’m doing this I kind of get my shapes happy. First and yes, you can use an e file with this as well, which I’m going to this is a bit strong. I wouldn’t use this, but see that that’s a bit coarse. We don’t need to use that for this, but it’s a bit stop so I’m going to use the mandrel just to show you how to soft it really is file is quite nicely so, the generally we designed the product he told me that when you’re filing it the product is quite heavy and it just falls to the table. Normally I find traditional gels they’re very light and they just float around everywhere, which is fine, but if you’re breathing and you don’t wear a mouse, you can read that in you don’t want to do that. This is filing quite beautifully. You can see the dust and I really don’t see it flying around everywhere. It will be honest, see, I’ve got another three, but I’m gonna turn it up to it’s big.


This is an ugly duckling girl and it’s about 30,000 rpms. So if you go pretty high, but you don’t want to run at that fine, this is a six I, don’t usually go consciousness, might go a seven if I’m taking off a lot of product. So when I’m filing just a quick little tip, then when I talked about the rebalancing, so I’ve now rebalanced it and brought the apex the arch into here.

tip then when I talked about the

So now it’s a little heavy right here so now I’m filing that old arch out of it, taking it away, I don’t want it to be heavy near this side, I’m just gonna file it away a bit when I go near the cuticle. I am gonna turn it down to about a three or four I. Don’t want to go as six. You know the cuticles so much. Okay, now I think I made this one a little bit long, so just rechecking all the fingers making sure that balance is correct and getting rid of any miss balancing with the apex being in the wrong spot and I’m just smoothing it out. At the same time. Okay, so I’m just gonna shape these into my nice point and I will look at it. This way, make sure everybody’s happy and not lumpy and uneven. It looks pretty good. Lately, I’ve been tending to make my index a little bit longer than everybody else. I just get carried away honestly, okay! Well, it’s a very dusty situation, but you just get a little pad just before you put the top coat on. You want to cleanse it once again. You just really makes it much smoother finish if you cleanse it before you put the top coat on you’d want dust in the cuticles and then it just kind of glides up if you catch it with them, I’m gonna top coat it with the top coat that they’ve supplied. You can use any top coat that you have that you like, but I’m gonna use. The one that they said like okay- and they want you to put two coats. They recommend this top coat 30 seconds in the led and I’m gonna put another top coat on it.

30 seconds in the LED and I'm gonna put

So this is a sticky taco. It’s got a sticky layer on it, so we just want to remove that with the stuff that they supplied and it reveals a beautiful shine. Awesome. Okay, now, let’s check out the reviews, well, I, actually like playing around with the polli job. Now, as you can see, the french fete didn’t work out for me as well. In this particular moment, I do need more practice, because I do like a thin nail and even though I did with the covered pink over top of the white and then with the sheer pink on top by the time, I filed it down, I fouled it all away so I really have to practice on making the white cut a bit thinner and practice, bringing the cover pink over top and then my sheer pink on top to make it look perfect.

covered pink over top of the white and

So I need a bit more practice when it comes to that. But overall I really like playing with it. It looks very pretty, as you can see, and the mixture I made is right on point I’m really quite like that. Well, I had fun playing with poly gel I hope you had fun watching and if you do want to check out, I can do an ombre baby, boomer, french, babe design, and you can check that out. Just click the card above and you can check that video out. Thank you for joining me. I had so much fun. I can’t wait to talk to you guys soon see in the


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